A Watched Pot

Mom: What are you doing?

Me: Waiting.

Mom: Waiting for what?

Me: The pot to boil for the pasta.

Mom: You know a watched pot never boils right?

Me: How hungry are you?

Mom: hungry, why?

Me: Because if you aren’t starving I’m going to test that theory out.

Mom: I don’t know about you. You come up with the strangest stuff I’ve ever heard.

We both laugh… I never did test the watched pot theory out. I ended up standing next to the kitchen chair she was in and watched her play on her tablet and a few minutes later the water was boiling. Just to let you know the spaghetti was delicious!


False Call – 20 Minute Exercise

Somehow she had hung up the phone and made it to her driveway. The tears pouring down her face. The one hour dive from work took only twenty minutes as she broke every law getting there. She didn’t remember the drive. Everything was a blur. The neighbor called while Brenda was in a conference and demanded to speak with her. An emergency happened at home and the police were there.

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Author Growth

Well it’s official I’ve gotten my author site up. I’m not on WordPress with it. I’ve got it on Blogger and will be getting my own domain at some point in the near future. In the mean time I’ll keep this blog to write odds and ends and have a bit of fun with it. I wont stop posting here so no worries. I just decided that I really needed an author site where I could brand myself and do my writing promotion as well as share things I’ve learned with writing. To promote my books when I publish them. No time like the present to start it.

My author website can be found here: J.L. Evenova

I hope to see you there as well. Now I’ll be seeing if I can get inspired by the daily prompt word and then I’ll be spending the day working on my flash fiction class since it’s Sunday and writing relaxes me. Have a great day!

Ninja Writer

Well I’m officially a Ninja Writer! I’ve had a week of doing some thinking and surfing on the internet for things to keep my creativity going. And to make sure I do some writing everyday and keep my creativity flowing for NaNoWriMo next month (Holy Chapters, only 19 more days to go!). So I’m taking the Ninja Writer challenge of writing for a minimum of 10 minutes a day for 30 days. I know I’ll mostly write longer than that. It’s inevitable, I can’t write for just 10 minutes. I get lost in the words.

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